
How to install Redis 4 on Centos 6 / 7, Ubuntu 16 and Debian 8

louie0 2017. 9. 7. 15:03

For CentOS

yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
yum install tcl wget

For Debian and Ubuntu

apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install tcl wget

Download and Compile Redis 4

You can easily download the Redis 4 source with the command below:

wget https://codeload.github.com/antirez/redis/tar.gz/4.0-rc3

Extract the file you just downloaded with the command below:

tar xvzf 4.0-rc3

Enter the Redis directory:

cd redis-4.0-rc3/

Run the command below before start compiling:

make distclean

Now we can start compiling:


make test

If everything was ok, run the following command:

make install

Install your Redis-server Service:

cd utils


Now you can start and test your Redis service.

systemctl start redis_6379

systemctl status redis_6379

For testing your Redis-server you can follow the below instructions:


 > set test 'HugeServer'

 > get test

You should get “HugeServer” as output, if you get it then you can be sure that your Redis is working properly.

출처 : https://www.hugeserver.com/kb/install-redis-4-centos-ubuntu-debian/
